
Author Spotlight: Morgan Lysand


Morgan Lysand

For my latest Author Spotlight I’m joined by the wonderful Morgan Lysand. We talked about their latest release, which they first wrote back in 2021, their unique writer origin story, and reading as their remedy for everything.

Over to you Morgan…

First things first, please introduce yourself!
::waves:: Hi, I’m Morgan Lysand. I’m a touch of rambling chaos sometimes, so please forgive me. I’m in Southern Indiana and share an apartment with my sister. Despite us both being in our thirties it’s like living with a toddler sometimes. But I love her, so it’s all good. I love writing and binge reading. My best remedy for almost anything is to read. I prefer any type of romance, but if I can’t have that I’ll take fantasy. I def prefer stories with magic inside rather than real-life contemporary. But I’ll probs read anything in front of me. If you can’t find me reading or writing, I’m probs on insta. 

Tell us a little bit about your writing style.
Very conversational. I love first person present because it feels like I can tap right into exactly what I want. I also tend to write the way I talk. That said, I have this weird hangup about fantasy and apparently write them in third person past with as conversational as I can get. 

Describe your books in only three words.
Sweet, fluffy, smutty.

Can you tell us a little bit about your latest release?
Sea and Sky released July 21st. It’s a merman and dragon shifter prince pairing and I love them so hard. There’s a whole backstory to this book. Okay it’s not that much, but whatevs. It’s actually the second book I finished writing (after an MF PNR that may or may not ever see the light of day). I wrote Sea and Sky in 2021. Took me 3 months from start to finish July-Oct. I remember finishing him Oct. 31 because I wanted to dive right into book 2 for NANOWRIMO. Oh 2021 Morgan was soooo optimistic. I wanted to use NANOWRIMO to give me space from Sea and Sky, but all it got me was frustration. I kept poking at Sea and Sky trying to make it work and nothing was clicking. I also panicked about revisions. And also a freaking cover. So to the digital corner he went. And stayed until May 2023 where I reread him, then was like what was my problem? This isn’t bad. Then decided to do a 70-75%ish rewrite to make it exactly the story I wanted. Then off he went as my second merman book. He’s swimming along nicely I think and I’m so happy with how he turned out.

Out of all your books, which one are you most proud of?
Probs Merman Kisses and Starving Incubi because it was my first published book. Or Sea and Sky because I finally got him in a place I really love.

What or who (or both) has influenced you most as a writer?
Lee Colgin for sure is the reason I’m even a published author. She’s been so encouraging and amazing since I met her in 2019.  

What inspired you to start writing?
For real? A psychic told me I could. No joke. 

What’s your writing process like? Do you have a typical “writing day”?
Hmmm… I don’t really have a process. I just write what’s next. I can’t go out of order, so I can get stuck sometimes. I don’t really have a typical writing day. I still currently have a day job, so that sucks up a lot of time. But I do get words in at lunch (unless it’s taco salad Tuesday or potato day at the deli on the ground floor of the building I work in. #priorities 🤣). Usually I’ll come home and do words for a bit after I eat dinner. 

What comes first for you – the plot or the characters?
Characters! Sometimes it’s so annoying! Like come on boys, give me something to work with other than you.

What’s a book that you wish you’d written?
None that I know of. Every writer has their strengths and each book is written by the perfect person to write it.

If you could only write one trope for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
Friends/besties to lovers. I am lazy AF sometimes and the built-in relationships makes things hella easier. 

What would be your three desert island books?
The Silk & Steel trilogy by Ariana Nash and beg to also include The Black Prince. I read them all at least twice a year. 

If one of your books could be made into a movie/TV series, which would you choose and who would you cast?
I think it would be hilarious to have Jingle My Bells done, but it’d have to be a p o r n o which would be a giant hoot. Casting Aspen for Dylan, Joey Mills for Snow, and Luke Hudson for Tinsel :goes and hides now:

What do you like to do when you’re not writing? Do you have a secret passion or hobby that we don’t know about?
I’m very hermit-y. I don’t do much beyond writing, binge reading, and beta reading. Oh and the day job.

Finally, what’s your favourite dinosaur?
Apatosaurus 🥰 I love those long-necked dinos.

I’m Morgan. Fantasy romance and romcom is my jam. I’ve always been a reader and a daydreamer. My writer origin story is embarrassing now that I think about it. But also kinda funny, maybe. One day I might share. If people ask nicely. It involves a psychic. (He’s cool though).

I share an apartment with my sister in Southern Indiana where we keep the AC on year round and spend all our money at Target and weekly pizza. Okay, actually my sister spends all her money on K-Pop CDs (YES, CDs) and I spend all my money on books and writerly stuff.

For more information on Morgan and their work you can find them on their website, sign up to their newsletter, and follow them on Instagram and TikTok.